Deionization System

The Morantz Deionization System turns your standard tap water* into deionized (demineralized) water. A deionized rinse is a must-have for Electronics Cleaning as it does not conduct electricity. For everything else, deionized water is always preferable as it eliminates spotting and other water related issues.
The Deionization System works by running your tap water through filtering resins. You can also double check your water quality with the TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) provided with the System.
The best part about the Morantz Deionization System is that it will filter the water you use and recycle it back through the deionization system to use again and again (thus saving money).
*Well water may require additional equipment and/or testing. Please call 215.969.0266 for more information.
To place an order, please call 215-969-0266 or email All orders are taken by a Morantz representative to ensure you are receiving the proper item for your needs.