FEATURED STORY: Top 10 ways to Promote Spring Cleaning with Ultrasonics

Spring Clean_350Spring Cleaning has begun and at Morantz Ultrasonics we’ve seen an increase in our Window Blind and Curtain Cleaning Services as well as our Parts Cleaning Service (yes, we still run our Ultrasonic Cleaning Service in addition to manufacturing the equipment). So now is the perfect time to kick your promotions into high gear and market Ultrasonic Cleaning.

We’ve done a lot of marketing over the years and we know from experience that there are way to promote our services that have proven themselves time and time again. Others methods are newer and are working quite well. Here’s my current top 10 list of best ways to promote Spring Cleaning (in no particular order):

1) Partner with Local Dry Cleaners: Most dry cleaners offer curtain cleaning, but not blind cleaning. Reach out to your local dry cleaners and suggest a partnership with you that will allow them to offer blind cleaning services. Not only will they increase revenue, but they may add on some new dry cleaning customers in the process (this happens quite often). They love this, and you have tapped into a new customer base.

Dry Clean Marketing

2) Offer a Groupon: Groupon marketing and other online based coupons are great ways to get your services known. Offer your services for blind cleaning, tools cleaning, golf club cleaning, parts cleaning, medical cleaning and more. You’re likely to tap into a new set of customers this way.


3) Go Door to Door: A hanger tag with a coupon, placed on the door handles in the right neighborhood can bring you a lot of extra work. Make sure your tags look professional and your contact information is clear and concise. List all of your Spring Cleaning Services including air conditioning vents, barbeque grills, window screens and more. If you’ve been to a neighbor’s home and they are happy with your service, get a reference and include it on the hanger tag.

Door hangers_350

4) Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Other Social Media Sites: While Facebook has been cutting back on how many people actually see posts, don’t overlook social media marketing. It is very effective and most of it is still absolutely free. Many people search for services through these sites, so you should have a strong presence. Update all social media sites at least once a week and you’ll have plenty of content to share. Be sure to promote Spring Cleaning!

5) Partner with Local Hardware Stores: Spring is when the tools come out and many of them could use a good clean up. Why not partner with hardware stores for tool cleaning? Bring your equipment on site and make it an event.


6) Partner with Window Washers: Spring is when windows get washed and window washers have to move blinds every time they do their job. Why not let them know they can offer the blind cleaning service and make some money without doing any more work?

Window Washer

7) Exhibit at Your Local Home Show and Flea Markets: Most communities have some sort of home show or flea market in the Spring where companies showcase their products and services and people offer their wares for sale. Why not set up a booth, bring your machine and do demos? You can raffle off free blind cleaning and collect names for your mailing list.

Home Show

8) Send Out Post Cards to Commercial Accounts: Post cards with good Before and After photos are very effective in grabbing attention. Why not send out post cards to facility managers, property management companies and others who you would like to work with? Work towards setting up an appointment for an in-person meeting and free estimate for their facility.

9) Update Your Website: Now is a good time to do a your own Spring Cleaning. Update your website and be sure to include information about your Spring Cleaning Services and your Spring Cleaning coupons and discounts. Make sure your message is clear, that you have great before and after photos, and that you have an easy way for customers to contact you.

10) Visit your local schools: Now is the time to work on Summer cleaning. Since school is still in session through the Spring, try to line up work for Summer during this time.

Class Room

If you have questions about marketing your Ultrasonic Service, call our office at 215.969.0266 to discuss your needs. We are here to support our customers in every aspect of their business, including promotion.


Morantz Ultrasonics
9984 Gantry Road, Philadelphia, PA 19115
Email: info@ultrasonicmachines.com
Phone: 215.969.0266
Fax: 215.969.0566

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