Kraft Foods Cleaning with Morantz Ultrasonics

Kraft Bakery Building
Kraft Bakery Building

There are many uses for our Ultrasonic Cleaning Systems, but just when we thought we knew them all, along comes something new. A few months ago, I was contacted by an energy optimization company that works for many large companies including Kraft Foods Inc. Kraft had a specific part for their baking ovens that needed to be cleaned and the pressure washing/hand cleaning they were doing wasn’t working. The question posed to me was, “Can you clean them?” My answer: “I don’t know until we try”. So that’s just what we did, and as usual, our machines worked beautifully.

As a result, over the past couple of months I personally visited several Kraft bakeries to install custom equipment and train their staff on the operation of the system. The photos that follow are from Kraft’s Chicago operation (which as I was told is the largest bakery in the world!). I have no doubt as each of their ovens was literally a football field long (that’s Gridiron football for all you non US citizens reading this).

One of the many Kraft Foods ovens.
One of the many Kraft Foods ovens.
Yes I do look lovely in my hair net...not!
Yes I do look lovely in my hair net…not!

Kraft’s needs were specific and they required a machine built to their specifications. In most instances, one of our standard (or slightly modified) machine models will work for a specific application, this time we had to build a specialized system. Working closely with Kraft’s engineers, we built exactly what they needed. Below is a photo of Kraft’s new system now installed in their bakeries throughout the U.S.

Krafts Machine

The Kraft staff watching parts clean and learning the operation of the system. They were all very grateful they no longer had to spend tedious hours working on these by hand.

Watching parts clean at Kraft Watching parts 2


Morantz Ultrasonics
9984 Gantry Road, Philadelphia, PA 19115
Phone: 215.969.0266
Fax: 215.969.0566

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