Why I Named My Machine, “Money”

100 dollars_smThe other day, I was on the phone with one of our clients in Italy. He told me he just renamed the Baby Blind Cleaning Machine that he recently purchased from us. Now he calls it “Money” because it has not stopped making him money. Here are the reasons why:

  • Blinds have sold steadily over the past 20 years, and only continue to grow in popularity.
  • In most countries, window blinds have overtaken curtains as the preferred window covering.
  • Blinds have become more ornate, and at the same time, a well made blind is now both beautiful and expensive. Accordingly, the owners who spend thousands of dollars on new blinds are looking to protect their investment by maintaining them properly.
  • The problem with blinds is that they cannot be cleaned effectively with traditional scrubbing methods. Dusting moves dirt from side to side but rarely removes it. Then static electricity is created and more dust is attracted.
  • Cleaning in the bathtub or hosing down the blind in the backyard creates it’s own challenges, among which are scratching, bending and pitting if the blind. Not to mention even if you get the top dirt off you cannot get the cords, ladders and tapes clean.
  • Ultrasonics solves all of those problems, and it makes me money.

So if you have not already checked out Ultrasonic Blind Cleaning as a niche market service; one that is both easy and profitable, give us a call. We’ll be happy to show you how you can make money cleaning blinds.


Morantz Ultrasonics
9984 Gantry Road, Philadelphia, PA 19115
Email: info@ultrasonicmachines.com
Phone: 215.969.0266
Fax: 215.969.0566

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