Ultrasonic Cleaning Shown To Reduce Infectious Contaminants

Michael A. Pinto, CSP, CMP


A growing consideration when evaluating the quality of indoor environments is the role that building finishes, furnishings, and cleaning practices have on the transmission of infectious agents. This is especially true in medical facilities where health care acquired infections (HCAI) are having a growing impact on patient survival rates and health care costs. Anywhere from 48,000 to 100,000 fatalities annually can be tracked back to the development of infections in patients that did not have an infection upon admission.(1) Beyond the loss of life, these infections are expensive. Various researchers estimate that the extra days spent in the hospital lead to $8.1 billion in added costs.(2)

The move to address such problems has intensified since Medicare and Medicaid implemented a policy of refusing to reimburse health care facilities for certain preventable infections. Private insurance is now following their lead. This push toward recognizing infectious contaminants as part of the indoor environment has also grown as the European concept of “baubiology” has caught hold in North America.(3)

The move to new types of cleaning chemicals, including botanicals and “natural” cleaners from plant oils is one response to this deadly and expensive problem. But this change toward stronger and stronger chemicals for cleaning purposes generally only provides short-term relief as the side effects of harsh chemicals and the natural ability of bacteria and other infectious agents to develop a resistance to antimicrobial agents limits their effectiveness, especially in health care facilities.

Ultrasonic Cleaning to Control Infections?

Wheelchair on Machine

Fortunately, there is an option that has been proven to dramatically enhance normal cleaning procedures in health care facilities: Ultrasonics. Ultrasonic cleaning kills bacteria and other pathogens through physical means rather than by a chemical reaction, eliminating the need for harsh compounds and the possibility of instigating resistant organisms.

After more than two years of testing in both the United States and Great Britain, the results showed conclusively that Morantz ultrasonic cleaning equipment was capable of removing bacterial contamination from items typically used in both institutional and residential settings. Over the course of three carefully controlled studies it was discovered that the Morantz ultrasonic machines were effective in:

  1. Removing both gross contamination and microscopic bacterial pathogens that are found on items after they have been involved in a black water loss (sewage).
  2. Destroying bacterial that pose the greatest concern to health professionals, with a strain of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) chosen to serve as a surrogate for such serious strains of microbial contamination.
  3. Supplementing normal cleaning procedures in hospitals to significantly improve infection control without being burdensome or overly expensive.

The fact that the testing progressed from cleaning in controlled environments to utilization of the Morantz Ultrasonics equipment in two different hospitals in England verified that the results represent a real-world application rather than just theoretical data. It should also be noted that the field testing in the hospitals was sponsored by the National Health Service in the United Kingdom as a demonstration project that was part of the Technology Innovation Program, which focuses specifically on reducing health care facility acquired infections.

A History of Effective Cleaning

Ultrasonic cleaners use sound waves produced at frequencies higher than our ears can perceive. The process involves the use of a generator, called a transducer, in a water tank, which creates high-frequency sound waves. As the sound waves move through the liquid they create compression waves that “tear” the liquid apart, leaving behind many millions of microscopic voids or partial vacuum bubbles. (The technical name for this effect is cavitation.) These small bubbles expand and eventually implode when they strike an object, and this energy dislodges contaminants even from intricately shaped surfaces.

Ultrasonic cleaning came into vogue for various types of industrial cleaning processes in the early 1950s. Small, table-top units quickly became common in jewelry and watch repair facilities, as well as in dental laboratories for cleaning surgical equipment. Many hospitals utilize ultrasonic cleaners for de-contaminating surgical instruments.  The attraction of the ultrasonic cleaning process is that it minimizes the need for chemicals while allowing cleaning to occur in the smallest and hardest to reach places.

Large portable ultrasonic cleaning equipment was utilized in the 1970s for the cleaning of Venetian blinds, developed by Stan Morantz, one of the founders of Morantz Ultrasonics. From there, Morantz introduced the process to the developing restoration industry where it was found to be very effective at gently removing soot and fire residue from even the most fragile of items. Ultrasonic cleaning and Morantz took another leap forward at the end of the 20th century when it was shown to be effective at cleaning intricate electronic components, such as computer keyboards, without damage.

The usefulness of ultrasonic cleaning in regards to biological pathogens like bacteria and virus has been known for some time. However, until recently most of these efforts have been limited to small equipment such as clamps and dental molds. The testing done on the Morantz units for efficacy on large items such as wheelchairs, commodes, I.V. stands, bedside tables and other common hospital items is truly groundbreaking in the ultrasonic industry.

Wheelchair Prepped for Cleaning and Testing.
Wheelchair Prepped for Cleaning and Testing.

Not All Ultrasonic Equipment Is the Same

While all ultrasonic cleaners work on the same principle of cavitation, there are critical differences in the design and function of the various machines. Manufacturers generate sonic waves inside the tank of an ultrasonic cleaner in a variety of ways and in varying powers and frequencies. The testing showing the effectiveness of ultrasonic cleaning for controlling the spread of bacteria was done with equipment with specifications that included immersible transducer packs and a 40kHz frequency. Other manufactured machines have not been tested or proven to produce the same results.

Highlights of the Three Tests

In all three tests a common sense approach was followed. The ability of the Morantz ultrasonic equipment to kill microbial contaminants was measured by collecting samples from items prior to and after being cleaned. Immediate feedback was provided in all three studies by collecting samples on swabs that were analyzed by field equipment using adenosine triphosphate (ATP) technology. ATP instruments have a long history of use in food service and health care settings to determine the cleanliness of surfaces related to biological contaminants. Such instruments provide numerical results known as relative light units (RLU). In two of the studies, side-by-side surface samples were also analyzed by an independent laboratory to determine concentrations of specific types of bacteria.

Pre-Clean RLU Count for Wheelchair
Pre-Clean RLU Count for Wheelchair.

The first independent test was conducted in order to determine if the cavitation process was as effective at removing bacteria as it was at dislodging dirt, grease, and other non-hazardous materials. A variety of residential and commercial items were tested, including toys, a wheelchair, and electronic components. The sampling data generated during the initial study revealed that:

  • The Morantz ultrasonic cleaning system was extremely effective in removing bacteria from items with heavy contamination. Bacterial reduction of nearly 100% (99.86% and 99.98%, respectively) was achieved for items that started with more than 1 million and 259,900 colonies of bacteria, respectively.
  • There was no evidence of cross-contamination even after the water in the ultrasonic tank had been used to clean items with extreme bacterial counts. In fact, one of the items cleaned immediately following contamination of the tank water by items with highly elevated bacterial concentrations had test results below the laboratory’s detection limit.
Wheelchair Being Cleaned in a Morantz Ultrasonic Machine.
Wheelchair Being Cleaned in a Morantz Ultrasonic Machine.

A follow-up study was authorized in an attempt to determine whether difficult-to-clean items from a hazardous environment could also be effectively decontaminated using a Morantz ultrasonic cleaner.

Since the testing of the Morantz ultrasonic equipment involved cleaning items that would be inoculated with dangerous bacteria (raw sewage and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)), appropriate precautions had to be taken. A small (~10′×10′×8′) enclosure was constructed with stud walls and double layers of six-mil plastic. A one-stage decontamination unit was attached to this enclosure to minimize the possibility of hazardous contaminants escaping from the test area. A HEPA-filtered negative air machine was utilized to keep the test area under negative pressure throughout the process.

Air Filtration

On each item that was to be tested and cleaned, five squares were marked and numbered with indelible marker. All five areas on each item were contaminated in a uniform manner with either MRSA bacteria or raw sewage. Field samples were collected from each of the five test squares: three for analysis using a portable ATP tester (square 1, pre-cleaning; square 3, post-cleaning; square 5, post-cleaning and drying) and two for comparative laboratory analysis (square 2, pre-cleaning; square 4, post-cleaning and drying).

All items to be cleaned in the ultrasonic tank were intentionally contaminated prior to cleaning in order to ensure that the contents represented a worst-case scenario. Contamination of test items was conducted with commercially cultured methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria or sewage obtained (post-screening) from the local wastewater treatment plant. As a further challenge, both porous and non-porous items were intentionally contaminated and then cleaned in the ultrasonic tank. Standard cleaning times (two to four minutes, depending on the object’s size, type, and material) were used so that results useful in real-world applications could be obtained.

Microfiber Cloth Prior to Ultrasonic Cleaning.
Microfiber Cloth Prior to Ultrasonic Cleaning.


Microfiber Cloth After Ultrasonic Cleaning.
Microfiber Cloth After Ultrasonic Cleaning.

The sampling data generated during the second study showed that:

  • Pernicious bacteria types, such as those resistant to antibiotics, can be effectively cleaned from surfaces using Morantz ultrasonic equipment, since MRSA bacteria were completely eliminated from contaminated surfaces by the ultrasonic cleaning.
  • The laboratory results for Enterococcus and Escherichia coli bacteria contamination showed a 100% reduction for every non-porous item tested. The system also showed impressive results cleaning a microfiber cloth, with 100% reduction of E. coli bacteria and 97.7% reduction of colony forming units of Enterococcus.
  • Laboratory testing revealed that live bacteria counts in the water when the ultrasonic machine was operating stayed close to zero even after intentional contamination with gallons of raw sewage.

MRSA bacteria was applied to the plastic tray of a walker using a swab.

MRSA Bacteria Applied to Walker Tray

Initial test results showed that the tray of the walker had been successfully contaminated as indicated by a reading of 925 relative light units (RLU).

MRSA Applied to Walker-2

As a comparison, the manufacturer of the ATP tester indicates that a clean surface would have less than 10 RLU’s.

Washing Walker

Following a two-minute cleaning in the Morantz ultrasonic unit a sample was collected from square 3 and subjected to the same field analysis as the initial sample. Relative light units had been reduced from 925 to 10, indicating that the cleaning process was successful.

MRSA Reduced from 925 to 10

The two earlier studies garnered interest from the National Health Service in England as they aggressively attack the problem of HCAI. In this case a three-month trial was extended to six months because of the impressive results that were obtained. However, it is important to note that in the hospital study the “ultrasonics technology cleaning system was not intended to, and did not, replace standard cleaning. All equipment continued to be cleaned in the usual way”.(4) In other words, the infection control experts understand that ultrasonic cleaning is a supplement to existing infection control efforts, not a process that supplants it.

The British study was prompted by their understanding of the ultrasonic cleaning process:

Ultrasonic technology is good at accessing inaccessible areas that normal cleaning cannot reach, for example screw threads and hinges. It is good at cleaning hard substrates. It has been found by researchers to be even more effective than thorough hand scrubbing, often observed in busy work areas. It involves less exposure to cleaning agents and, therefore, contributes to a reduction in skin damage.(5)

1,025 measurements were collected from items before and after cleaning during the course of the study at the two hospitals. A careful analysis of the data showed “an average of a 98% change in the RLU reading when the average Pre-Clean reading is compared with the average Post-Clean 2 reading”.(6)

Before and After_IV Pole

The results were so consistent and impressive that the researchers were able to draw a stronger correlation than expected. The stated goal was to measure the cleanliness of particular items with the expectation that better cleaning would, indeed, have a positive effect on the number of health care acquired infections. At the conclusion of the trial period the study authors noted, “The evaluation was not designed to assess the effectiveness of ultrasonics in reducing infection, but was it more effective than normal routine cleaning”.

As part of the study in England, hospital personnel were asked to evaluate the ultrasonic cleaning process. When those individuals who had knowledge of the trial were asked, “Would you recommend the system to other colleagues?” 100% of the responses were positive.(7)

Cleaning in Hospitals

At the conclusion of the study hospital personnel had some specific recommendations and conclusions.(8) They noted that the ultrasonic cleaning was especially useful for:

Ultrasonic Cleaning Useful For

Overall, the study authors were enthusiastic about the Morantz ultrasonic cleaning equipment as a new weapon in the war on HCAI as they stated:

The…ultrasonic system can be used without disruption to staff or patients so long as there is a plan in place to ensure equipment that may be required frequently through the day is cleaned at an appropriate time to allow it to be returned before being required again. The clean appearance of the medical equipment returned had a lot of support from staff and the RLU values post pre clean proves equipment was less contaminated.(9)

An Ultrasonic Answer to Controlling Infections

Both controlled testing and field demonstrations have confirmed that Morantz ultrasonic cleaning equipment is an important tool that should be utilized to improve cleaning performance in health care settings and other critical use facilities. This improved cleaning is one of the keys to reducing health care acquired infections and limiting the personal suffering and financial loss that comes from these preventable diseases.




  1. Monina Klevens, DDS, MPH et. al., “Estimating Health Care-Associated Infections and Deaths in U.S. Hospitals 2002,” Public Health Reports, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, March–April 2007, Volume 122.
  2. Douglas Scott II, “The Direct Medical Costs of Healthcare-Associated Infections in U.S. Hospitals and the Benefits of Prevention,” Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion National Center for Preparedness, Detection, and Control of Infectious Diseases; Coordinating Center for Infectious Diseases; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, March 2009.
  3. Baubiology is the study of how buildings impact the people who occupy them. It is not limited only to the practice of reducing toxicity of building materials, but represents a total approach to a healthy living environment. The approach of baubiology examines lessons from the past, but is future focused. It emphasizes that a particular combination of building materials, furnishings, and cleaning can create positive or negative synergies.
  4. “Showcase Hospitals Local Technology Review Report number 5: Bio-Cav40 Ultrasonic Cleaning,” Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust, p. 10.
  5. Ibid., p. 8.
  6. Ibid., p. 12.
  7. Ibid., p. 16.
  8. Ibid., p. 7.
  9. Ibid., p. 18.


Michael Pinto Presenting at the FIME International Medical Conference, August 2010.
Michael Pinto Presenting at the FIME International Medical Conference, August 2010.

Michael A. Pinto, CSP, CMP, is chief executive officer of Wonder Makers Environmental, Inc. He focuses on common sense practices that work when health professionals are faced with threats from swine or avian flu, MRSA outbreaks, norovirus exposures, and nosocomial infection problems in healthcare facilities.

Mr. Pinto is the author of over 150 published articles and several books including, Fungal Contamination: A Comprehensive Guide for Remediation. He completed doctoral course work in environmental engineering and holds numerous certifications in the environmental and safety areas including Certified Safety Professional and Certified Mold Professional. He conducted most of the testing described in this article but has no ownership connection to Morantz or other manufacturers of mentioned products.

FEATURED SUCCESS STORY: Puroclean of Green Bay, Wisconsin

Adding Ultrasonic Cleaning to their restoration company has added new profit centers.

Mark Mazzoleni-Puroclean-Green Bay-250x333
Mark Mazzoleni from Puroclean, Green Bay, WI giving Morantz Ultrasonics the “Thumbs Up”

Mark Mazzoleni, owner of a Puroclean franchise in Green Bay, Wisconsin was struggling with fire restoration jobs. The hand cleaning work his staff was doing was too time consuming and not enough jobs were coming in. Mark also wanted to diversify his services and keep his staff busy when they were not busy with fire work. In 2011, he began researching Ultrasonic Cleaning as a possible way to achieve his goals.

I began looking for used Ultrasonic equipment to get started, and purchased two Morantz tanks in May 2011. One of these tanks was for content restoration and the other was a blind cleaning machine,” Mark said. “I liked the idea of offering a service for blinds and saw that as a real profit center, which ultimately it has proven to be.

Mark soon realized that these two tanks were going to be helpful to get started, but were not going to allow him to process the quantity of Contents he was beginning to bring in. This is when he started looking into the Morantz M-115 Super System. “Once I realized how streamlined the Pre-Wash, Ultrasonic Wash, Rinse and Dry stations were, I decided to jump in and purchase the entire Morantz Super System. It was the best decision!“.

Mark tells us that his employees absolutely love using the Super System. “Once my staff saw how easy it is to use the equipment to do their job, they were 100% on board“, states Mark.  He continues, “One of the best things about working with Morantz is their unlimited, free training. I’ve had staff turn-over in the past 3 years, including my Contents Manager. Morantz will train as many people as I need them to. I’ve sent staff members to Philadelphia for training, and most recently we’ve even done training by Facetime over the iPhone, which was incredible!

Mark Mazzoleni and Joe Leggett
Mark Mazzoleni and Joe Leggett from Morantz Ultrasonics at the Puroclean Convention in Louisville, KY.

Mark continues, “The training sets the tone of the relationship with Morantz. My staff knows that if they have any questions, they can call Morantz and get answers. I’ve called myself quite a few times, and each time I get the support I need from Lisa, Heather and the Morantz staff. Joe Leggett, Morantz’s longtime employee of 35 years, knows me by name and is always happy to answer my questions.

Mark recently presented his Ultrasonic cleaning service to a large company in the Green Bay area that rents equipment to disabled, home-bound people. They needed a method of both cleaning and disinfecting these items to be able in order to rent them out again. “I initially received CPAP machines and oxygen tanks test clean and deodorize. The company who rents these struggled because even though you are not supposed to smoke while using these devices, people do. Nicotine and smoke odor permeate the devices, and no matter what they had tried, they could not get these items clean. They were thrilled when I presented Ultrasonic Cleaning as a solution.” Below are pictures of these items.

CPAP machines
CPAP machines.

Congratulations to Mark and Puroclean. Best wishes for their continued Success.

SUCCESS STORY: Kleena of Australia increases business by 200% with Morantz Ultrasonics

Mick Bantoft, Owner of Kleena
Mick Bantoft, Owner of Kleena

Meet Mick Bantoft, owner and operator of Kleena in Queensland, Australia (kleenabc.com.au). Over the past 8 years, Mick has used Morantz Ultrasonics to create an entirely new niche market for his company cleaning curtains, microfiber cloths, trolley covers, privacy curtains, blinds, soot damaged contents and other hard to clean items for hospitals and hotels.

Shaking Up Business

In 2006, Mick Bantoft knew he had to shake up his curtain cleaning business or risk losing it. He flew half way around the world to attend a cleaning tradeshow in search of the “next big thing,” something that would help grow his business. During his browsing, he saw the Morantz Ultrasonics cleaning systems. Immediately, Mick knew he had found what he was looking for. “I was completely amazed with what I was seeing. Fabrics, like the ones I clean were being put into the machine and came out cleaner than I could ever get them, and all within seconds,” Mick said. Mick decided then and there to learn as much as he could about ultrasonics. A short time later, he was on a plane to Philadelphia to see all that Morantz had to offer. After a few days at Morantz H.Q., Mick ordered his first set of machines, a Morantz 3-in-1 System, and got to work.

Kleena staff unpacks curtains to prepare them for cleaning.
Kleena staff unpacks curtains to prepare them for cleaning.

The learning curve was short and once my staff and I really began to understand the full capabilities of these machines, the excitement and work continued to grow.” said Mick. “I focused primarily on blinds and curtains in my first year because it was my client base. I was able to process existing jobs in a much shorter amount of time which generated higher profit margins and left me time to explore and promote other types of cleaning.

Kleena’s drying area. Rolling racks can be wheeled into their Drye Rite XL (see below).
Kleena’s drying area. Rolling racks can be wheeled into their Drye Rite XL (see below).

Branching Out

Mick and his staff soon returned to Morantz H.Q. and attended a Morantz’s Firesonics® Seminar where they learned more about how to use ultrasonics to clean soot and smoke damaged items including electronics. “Very few people offer content cleaning in Australia. I knew this was a great opportunity to get my foot in the door. As soon as I started promoting it, the work came so quickly I ordered a SM-200 Super Mighty One from Morantz to dedicate to the contents side. I also purchased a golf club cleaning machine to promote content cleaning and other services at tournaments and meetings.” Mick added, “When I realized how useful the pneumatic lift on the SM-200 was for lifting heavy items, I started using it for curtain cleaning and it made a huge difference! My female employees were struggling with lifting wet, heavy curtains out of the tank, but the lift made this process of lifting and draining very easy.

Kleena’s custom SM-200 with Blind Inspection Rack and Flip Out Work Table for Curtains.
Kleena’s custom SM-200 with Blind Inspection Rack and Flip Out Work Table for Curtains.

A Better Drying Process

As both his curtain cleaning and content cleaning businesses continued to grow, Mick knew he needed a better drying process. “While some curtains can air dry, other types need to be dried quickly or else browning starts to appear. Electronics also must be dried quickly and at higher temperatures. I had seen the Morantz Drye Rite cabinet, loved it, but needed something much bigger to accommodate all I had to dry on a daily basis. I had Lisa (Morantz) build me what is now the Drye Rite XL. It’s a full, room size dryer complete with Infrared Heat and Ozone for deodorization. We have both our contents and our curtains on rolling racks and roll them in and out. It’s incredible and has increased my productivity tremendously!

Click here to see a video of Mick’s Drye Rite XL.
Click here to see a video of Mick’s Drye Rite XL.

Hospitals Took Notice

In 2010, Mick started seeing a significant increase in work from local hospitals. When he presented the data from Morantz’s independent testing (testing confirmed that ultrasonics not only sanitizes, but disinfects), hospitals really took notice. Mick tells us, “MRSA and C-Diff are big issues for hospitals. Morantz’s testing set a new standard that no other method of cleaning could touch. Now I had the capability of offering services well beyond privacy curtain cleaning. With my equipment, I clean wheelchairs, slings, trolleys, trolley covers, bed-side tables, microfibers, patient restraints… Some of the items they give me, I don’t even know what they’re for! The work orders keep growing and I keep bringing on new hospitals.

Mick demonstrates the cleaning capabilities of Morantz Ultrasonics at a hospital with the portable Z-56 “Bubba”
Mick demonstrates the cleaning capabilities of Morantz Ultrasonics at a hospital with the portable Z-56 “Bubba”

Expanding… Again!

Business was growing so fast that Mick needed to expand yet again. After moving to a larger and newer building, he spoke to Lisa Morantz about adapting one of Morantz’s newer models, the SM-200-XL which had primarily been used for industrial parts cleaning, to suit his needs. “We put our heads together and came up with unique features which makes the new SM-200-XL a hybrid machine with all the best features Morantz has to offer,” said Mick. “I now use this model for everything I do and couldn’t be more pleased. It’s been terrific for all the new curtain cleaning and lamp shade work I am getting from hotels.”

Kleena’s SM-200-XL machine cleaning slings and blinds.
Kleena’s SM-200-XL machine cleaning slings and blinds.

Growing by 200%

By 2014, since meeting Morantz, Mick has increased his business by 200%. His processes with the Morantz machines can now be duplicated around the country, and that’s just what he intends to do. Mick has just completed a new deal to bring Morantz Ultrasonic equipment, and his know-how, to a major Australian cleaning franchise.

Congratulations to Mick and the entire team at Kleena. Best wishes for your continued success.

Mick Bantoft gives his Morantz equipment a “thumbs up.”
Mick Bantoft gives his Morantz equipment a     “thumbs up.”


Come Visit Us at ISSA Interclean in Las Vegas!

ISSA BoothFrom November 19 -21, we’ll be exhibiting at the ISSA Interclean North America show in Las Vegas, Nevada (Booth: 3805).

We’re really excited to be back in Vegas for this year’s show where we will be demonstrating the ultrasonic machine that started it all, “The Baby.”

If you would like to visit us in the exhibit hall, please contact Lisa Morantz at (215) 969-0266 (or send me a message using the form on the right).

Looking forward to seeing you there.


-Tuesday, November 19: 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
-Wednesday, November 20: 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
-Thursday, November 21: 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.




6 Easy Ways to Get More Customers

No matter how successful your business is the one thing that it will always need are more customers. After all, serving your customers is why you’re in business, but could you and your sales team use a little help?

Below are six easy and low cost ways for you to get yourself in front of more people so that you can demonstrate your services. While some of these tactics may be focused on specific applications, feel free to change them to suit your needs.

  1. Idea: Host an Open House for Insurance Agents and Adjusters.
    Contents Cleaning and Fire Restoration.
    Objectives: Build relationships with Agents and Adjusters. Introduce and educate them about the benefits of Ultrasonic Cleaning.
    Tips: Show them how fast and effective your Ultrasonic Cleaning System and services are, and how your service will save them money. Offer to clean their personal items, like golf clubs, to show them how effective your equipment is, plus provide a memorable service!
  2. Idea: Partner with Interior Decorators and Window Blind Sellers.
    Application: Window Blind Cleaning.
    Objectives: Create mutually beneficial partnerships. Expand your sales reach.
    Tips: Offer these partners a Referral Fee or wholesale price for each blind cleaned. Not only will they make extra money, this will build good will with their customers by not “forcing” a new blind sale when all that is needed is a good cleaning. In fact, you should suggest that the designer or seller offer their customers a “Maintenance Plan.” Once these customers know there is an easy and affordable maintenance plan, they are more apt to purchase those more expensive “designer” type blinds. This will also give them an opportunity to periodically visit their customers where they could then sell new blinds for other areas in their home or business.
  3. Idea: Clean Sports Equipment for Local Teams & Toys for Daycares.
    Applications: Contents Restoration, Janitorial Cleaning and Medical Cleaning for Infection Control.
    Objective: Diversify your services and customer base.
    Tips: Your local sports teams, whether they’re professional, collegiate or league-based, are more concerned than ever about the health issues resulting from unclean equipment. Offer to do a free cleaning of a few items to demonstrate the effectiveness of Ultrasonic Cleaning for Infection Control (this could even include your local school’s gym equipment or toys in a nearby day care). Morantz provides our clients with results from independent laboratory tests for you to share with your customers during the sales process. And be sure to bring your ATP testing kit to quantify and support your results.
  4. Idea: Clean Your Doctor’s Offices (Including Pediatricians and Dentists) & Senior Citizen Facilities.
    Medical Cleaning & Infection Control.
    Objective: Diversify your customer base.
    Tips: Medical cleaning isn’t limited to large hospitals. Because of their small size, your local practitioners and senior centers often have problems maintaining sterile environments in their facilities. It’s not just the medical equipment; it’s the window blinds in the waiting and examination rooms, the computer keyboards at the nurse’s stations, the individual wheel chairs and even the toys in the pediatrician’s office. Morantz provides our clients with results from independent laboratory tests for you to share with your customers during the sales process. And don’t forget your ATP testing kit to quantify and support your results.
  5. Idea: Partner with Your Local Computer Services Companies.
    Applications: Electronics Cleaning.
    Objectives: Create mutually beneficial partnerships. Expand your sales reach.
    Tips: Computer Services companies provide maintenance and technical support for businesses both large and small. Aside from installing software and hardware, Ultrasonic Cleaning gives them a new, “Value-Added” service to sell. Show them the benefits of cleaning their customer’s computers and tools with Ultrasonics. Ultrasonic Cleaning keeps computers running smoothly, prevents them from overheating and starting fires, avoids the loss of valuable data, stops employees from getting sick through sharing infected tools and equipment (which also improves productivity) and more.
  6. Idea: Sponsor Industry Events.
    Applications: All.
    Objectives: Diversify your customer base. Create mutually beneficial partnerships. Expand your sales reach.
    Tips: Local business organizations are constantly looking for companies to sponsor events. They also like to showcase something that can attract attendees. In exchange for a nominal fee (or maybe just free food), you can bring your machine to their event and do a demonstration. And remember, the networking at these events can lead to more business.

All of these ideas help to achieve the following:

  • They put you in front of new customers. Even if they aren’t ready to use your services at the moment, they now know who you are and what you can do for them.
  • They get you in the door and help you to upsell additional services.
  • They help your customers make more money by expanding their services.
  • This will expand your credibility and enhance your professional reputation.

These ideas are just a small sample of the many ways you can get more clients simply by being creative. Morantz can provide you with more, proven ideas.

What creative things do you and your sales teams do to get more customers? Please share in the comments below. We’d love to hear about them.